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Simulation aided product design speeds up the process

Written by Janne Arola | Mar 29, 2023 1:23:23 PM

Simulation aided product development utilizes virtual simulations and modeling to guide and inform the process. This approach allows designers to evaluate and optimize the performance of a product before it is physically built, reducing the time and cost compared to traditional design and testing methods.

Simulation aided design process step by step

Simulation aided design can be used for a wide range of products, including electronics and medical devices. It allows designers to explore a wide range of design options and optimize the product's performance without the need for physical prototypes or testing.

Simulation aided design typically involves the following steps:

1. Establishing design criteria

The first step is to define the requirements and constraints for the product. This includes defining performance metrics such as speed, strength, and durability, as well as any size, weight, or cost constraints.

2. Creating a virtual model

Next, designers create a virtual model of the product using computer-aided design (CAD) software. This model includes all the components, materials, and assembly details required for the product. Commonly this model comes from the customer and is only modified to suite simulations better but can also be created fully by our team.

3. Simulating the design

Using simulation software, designers simulate the product's performance under a range of conditions, such as different loads, temperatures, or environments. This allows them to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement in the design.

4. Analyzing results

Once the simulation is complete, designers analyze the results and evaluate the product's performance against the requirements specification. They can also identify any areas where the product may be over-designed or under-designed.

5. Iterating and optimizing

Based on the results of the simulation, designers can make changes to the design and re-run the simulation to evaluate the impact of those changes. This process of iteration and optimization continues until the design meets all the performance requirements.

Benefits of simulation aided design process

There are several benefits to using simulations in the product design process, including:

Faster product development
Simulation aided design allows designers to evaluate and optimize the product's performance before physical prototypes are built. This can significantly reduce the time required for product development, allowing companies to bring products to market faster.

Cost savings
Simulation aided design can also reduce the cost of product development by eliminating the need for physical prototypes and testing. This can help companies save money on materials, labor, and equipment.

Improved product performance
Simulation aided design allows designers to test the product's performance under a wide range of conditions, identify potential issues, and optimize the design for improved performance. This can result in products that are more reliable, durable, efficient - and above all - safe to use.

Design flexibility
Simulation aided design allows designers to explore a wide range of design options and quickly evaluate their performance. This can lead to more innovative and creative designs that meet customer needs and preferences.

Risk reduction
Simulation aided design can help reduce the risk associated with product development by identifying potential issues early in the design process. This can help companies avoid costly mistakes and reduce the likelihood of product failures or recalls.

Overall, simulation aided design helps companies create better products faster and at a lower cost, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased competitiveness in the market.

Combining traditional and simulation aided design processes

 It is also possible to combine traditional and simulation aided product design processes. In fact, many product design teams use a hybrid approach that combines both methods to take advantage of the benefits of each.

Traditional product design typically involves creating physical prototypes and testing them to evaluate their performance. This can provide valuable insights into the product's performance and usability that may not be apparent from simulations alone. Traditional methods are also be useful for validating the accuracy of virtual models. Prototypes are give an accurate sense of how the product feels, so they are necessary for identifying tangible issues that may not be captured in the simulation.

However, traditional product design methods can be time-consuming and expensive, especially when multiple iterations are required to refine the design. This is where simulation aided design is beneficial. Simulation aided design allows designers to quickly evaluate multiple design options and test their performance under different conditions, without the need for physical prototypes. This helps to speed up the design process and reduce costs.

Overall, a hybrid approach to product design that combines both traditional and simulation aided methods can help designers create better products faster and at a lower cost, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased competitiveness in the market.

We can help with simulation aided design

To get the maximum benefit out of simulations, you should incorporate them as a part of the product design process at the earliest possible stage of the project. Our team can help with thermal and mechanics simulations for large systems, small mobile devices and individual electronic components.

Our team has a deep understanding of simulation methods, materials and the design requirements for user safety and convenience. For thermal simulations, we use the best heat and flow analysis tools in the industry to carry out accurate temperature and air flow analysis to support a quick comparison of the design of various concept options.

We also carry out high-quality mechanics simulations with the professionalism backed by long experience.  We have the know-how to model the behavior of complex materials, multi-part assemblies, complicated mechanical interactions and varying load states.

In addition to building the actual simulations, our service includes a detailed analysis of the test results. On the basis of the analysis, we will also offer proposals to improve the structure of the product.

If you are interested in hearing more about simulation aided design and how it can be utilized in your product design project, contact us!